
…Rose Marie Gnausch, who has single-handedly decided to change the symbolism of the largest living land animal from luck and wealth to peace. As a socio-political initiative, her gesture could not be more disarming…
Lori Waxmann
Art Critic

Kröv 2008:

Cyprus Famagusta Gate 2009:

Cyprus Checkpoint Ledra street 2009:

Wittlich Synagogue 2009:

Kinheim 2009:

Nuremberg 2009:

Wittlich Maifestival 2010:

Schengen Treaty 25 years Anniversary 2010:

Strasbourg European Council 20 year reunion 2010:

Barcelona 2010 Gallery Antoni Pinyol :

(Schengen 2011)

Berlin Reichstag 2011:

Köln Cava 2011:

Auschwitz/Oswiecim 2011:

Nuremberg 2012

World Peace Forum Schengen 2012:

Berlin Alexanderplatz 2012:

Kassel dOCUMENTA(13) 2012:

Köln Abtei Brauweiter 2012:

Valgreghentino 2016:

Bellaterra 2016:

Lecco, Italia, October 2016:

San Cugat 2016:

San Cugat 2017

Calolziocorte, Italia , April 2017
organized by la Scuola dell’infazia di Foppenico

Wittlich 2017