
Elephants for Peace 2009-2018 The Power of Peace

Elephants for Peace 2008-2018

Elephants for Peace 2009-2018 summery

Together for Peace, Mosel 2018

Celebrating Peace

Elephants for Peace – conquista il Lavello

Elephants for Peace

Elephants for Peace organitza un acte del 10 al 12 de febrer a favor de la pau mundial

Elephants for peace organitza unes jornades solidàries a Mercantic

A world without borders. Utopia?

Go Ganesha Go!

Elephants for Peace in Cologne 2011

In preparation for their journey to Oswiecim/Auschwitz the peace elephant contributions from Schengen and Cyprus were on view in Cologne. Here Greek, Turkish and Polish General consul spoke to honor the effort of thousands of participants from Cologne and around the world. A meeting in a city of peace for a city of peace. supported by the Mayor of Cologne and many schools of the region.
Please come and join us at our next stop in your city.


From Berlin to Oswiecim/Auschwitz 2011

Elephants for peace in Berlin and Oświęcim/Auschwitz in September 2011 A work of reconciliation.
A work of today for the world of tomorrow.
Peace elephant contributions from around the world in the library of Oswiecim.
Along they brought many book donations for the library to remain as a token of friendship and an homage to knowledge.


SWR portrait of Rose Marie Gnausch german

Fernsehbeitrag über das Leben und Wirken der Initatiorin von Elephants for Peace in Zypern und Deutschland.


Trailer Elephants For Peace

Trailer realized by Serdar Dogan to promote the artistic and civic movement of elephants for peace
preparation for a longer documentary.


Ledra Street, Nicosia, Cyprus

May 9th and 10th 2009


Oswiecim Poland

Link to Polish TV


Elephants for Peace in Lecco