The peaceful majority of all countries become visible!
Every day is a day to celebrate peace. A day to call out for Peace and Empathy!
Images of violence are transported into our homes by the “daily news”. Due to these images people are disillusioned and feel helpless.
We want to change this:
And render the peaceful majority visible.
In any country in this world the majority of people desire peace! But we don’t see those.
The peaceful majority is a powerful entity. Show it! This majority needs a logo, an images to be aware of their existence.
As no other species on earth the elephant combines Power and Peace.
Elephants for Peace was developed for regions in crisis, where words have failed and hatred is a daily expression amongst people.
Yet the concept of Elephants for Peace can be used under almost any circumstances.
The next three day event will be in Italia in the city of Lecco at Lago di Como.
Come and join us!
Elephants for Peace – La pace nel mondo
Lecco Spazio d’Arte
Via Corti 8, 23900 Lecco (Località Pescarenico), Italia
You want to work of peace but don’t know how, write us!
You want to work for peace but you don’t have time sent in your peace elephant with your name and, we will take him around in your name to show hope that the peaceful majority exists. (address below)
After Italy we will take all peace elephants to Jordan next year to give hope that the peaceful majority exists!!
Elephants for Peace. Making peace makers visible!
Elephants for Peace
Terranova 21
08193 Bellaterra Barcelona