“Educare alla Pace in un mondo globalizzato” Catania, 7 maggio 2018

Flyer Conference Programme English follows ‘Disegnare un Elefante come nobile simbolo di Pace’ Elephants for Peace è un movimento artistico che lavora per la pace, da tre anni in stretta collaborazione con Living Peace International. Questo movimento ha scelto l’elefante come simbolo di pace perché lega in sé la Forza e la Pace: figura imponente […]

Catania 7-11 Mai 2018 Let’s build peace!

Convegni, Concorsi, Arte, Musica, Sport per creare una rete di pace nel mondo! Let’s build Peace!   YOU are invited to participate to the International Exhibition of Elephants for Peace in the City of Catania, ITALY.   Send your drawing or artcraft to ‘’I.C. Italo Calvino’’ School Via Brindisi 11, Catania (IT) Deadline to deliver your […]

Barcelona am 24. Mai 2016 von 12 bis 18:30 Kunst- Frieden Workshop

Am 24. Mai wird die Künstlerin Rose Marie Gnausch Ihnen die Möglichkeit geben, Sie selbst und Ihre Kreativität im Namen des Friedens auszudrücken. Mit einem Workshop für Erwachsene und für Kinder. Elephants for Peace ist eine partizipative Kunst-Friedens-bewegung. Wir sind offen für eine Zusammenarbeit und gerne treffen wir weitere Friedensbotschafter. Kommen Sie hinzu um Ihre […]


Flyer   ENGLISH VERSION Scuola dell’Infanzia di Foppenico in FESTA per laPACE in collaboration with the German artist Rose Marie Gnausch, founder of ELEPHANTS FOR PEACE. SATURDAY, 29 APRIL 2017 AT 15:00 HOURS 15 JOIN US IN CALOLZIOCORTE (PEDESTRIAN AREA PAO MARTIRI DELLE FOIBE) We will awaken the city of Calolziocorte with a load of […]

World Peace Forum Jordan 2017

Welcome -Peace World Forum Jordan 2017 NOW IS THE TIME FOR PEACE Did the world understand that?  The Time of peace It is today not tomorrow!! Every second souls dripped that vale this Spiteful world!! Innocent souls that killed by weak souls!! The weapons cannot make PEACE!! The wars cannot make PEACE!! The violence cannot buildPEACE!! Only love can purify the black past… only with love we can know and recognize the others… Only love can build that dream “PEACE”. PEACE in […]

San Cugat 15 November 2016

L’artista Rose Marie Gnausch fa una crida des de Mercantic a totes les persones interessades en l’art i la pau. Concre tament, a persones que vulguin participar en el programa europeu “Elephants for Peace”. El projecte utilitza l’art i la creativitat com a eines principals per a la resolució de conflictes i la seva nova […]

Lecco 28-30 Oktober

Call for a World of Empathy! The peaceful majority of all countries become visible! Every day is a day to celebrate peace. A day to call out for Peace and Empathy! Images of violence are transported into our homes by the “daily news”.  Due to these images people are disillusioned and feel helpless. We want […]