Strasbourg European Council 20 year reunion 2010

PRESS: Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace – Philippe Dossmann –Les visions de Nelson Mandela Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace –Des lithographies de Mandela Press Release: Elephants for Peace Une exposition en faveur de la paix, au delà des frontières. DOCUMENTS: Flyer Le Manoir du Contades

Cyprus Checkpoint Ledra street 2009

Cyprus Checkpoint Ledra street 2009 PRESS Sette – Britta Ernst –Grenzen ueberwinden mit den sanften Riesen Cyprus Today – Heidi Trautmann –Give peace a chance, says German artist Cyprus Mail – Zoe Christodoulides –Elephants on the Green Line Xinhua News Agency (China View) – Zhang Xiang –Elephant artworks displayed in Cyprus,  PDF Bold Leaders –“Go […]


GOETHE-ZENTRUM NICOSIA German Cultural Centre PRESS RELEASE GOGANESHAGO Elephants for Peace The inhabitants of this planet  are at the centre of  a socio-economic and environmental crisis which menaces the entire  globe. It seems mankind has  not yet found the tools to create stable and peaceful living conditions for its species. German artist and art historian […]