On the 22nd – 25th of September 2016 Elephants for peace will participate to the World Peace Forum in Florianopolis, Brazil. Come to join us and collaborate for the creation of a peace culture and for its diffusion. Created with the mission of disseminating the message of peace in Europe and throughout the world, the […]

15 and 16 of April, 2016, Biblioteca di Valgreghentino, Italia

Italian version. English version below.   Address: Via Tavola 2 (Ex scuole elementari Villa San Carlo) 23857 Valgreghentino (LC), Italia vicinity of Milano and Bergamo Insieme possiamo creare immagini di pace e di gioia, immagini del presente per il mondo di domani! Elephants for Peace è un’associazione artistica ong impegnata a organizzare a livello globale […]


Youth World Peace Forum 2015 connecting peacemakers Elephants for Peace in Cairo May 4, 5 and 6, 2015 at Manchester International School 5th District, New Cairo co-organised by Rowad American College of Cairo Please come and join us!


Foto by Jens Herrmann   Elephants for Peace on Alexanderplatz Aug. 14-17. 2014 The team from Italy, Corea, Sweden, Poland and France is happy to have been able to spread so much joy on Alexanderplatz and to support all the active workers of Peace. We thank all the people who spread their joy with us […]

Sarajevo 2014

06-09 of June Sarajevo Peace Event 2014 For the prevention of war and diffusion of a culture of peace Sarajevo Peace event is: A meeting point for activists, practitioners and researchers to exchange thoughts on peace and active nonviolence; An opportunity to review the achievements and challenges related to peace and nonviolence in Europe; An […]

Marseille Event

Opening of Elephant for Peace participatory exhibition June 13th from 6 to 8pm at Le Med’s 12 rue st Jacques, 13005. Finissage Friday 27th 6 to 8pm. Open for participation. Send your peace ambassadors to Elephants for Peace c/o Rose Marie Gnausch 894 chemin du Pont Rout 13090 Aix en Provence Or come and add […]

Oswiecim/Auschwitz 2011

On September 1st, 2011, the Elephants for Peace will be in Osweiecim, known to many by the infamous German name Auschwitz. The Elephants for Peace strive to transform the darkest memory of the 20th century into a site and symbol of freedom and community. The mayor of Oswiecim invites everyone to exhibit an Elephant for […]

Strasbourg European Council 20 year reunion 2010

PRESS: Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace – Philippe Dossmann –Les visions de Nelson Mandela Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace –Des lithographies de Mandela Press Release: Elephants for Peace Une exposition en faveur de la paix, au delà des frontières. DOCUMENTS: Flyer Le Manoir du Contades