Catania 7-11 Mai 2018 Let’s build peace!

Convegni, Concorsi, Arte, Musica, Sport
per creare una rete di pace nel mondo!

Let’s build Peace!


YOU are invited to participate to the International Exhibition of Elephants for Peace in the City of Catania, ITALY.


Send your drawing or artcraft to
‘’I.C. Italo Calvino’’ School Via Brindisi 11, Catania (IT)

Deadline to deliver your art work will be April 25th


The elephant is a symbol combining Power with Pace, it never abuses his power, it knows no enemies in the animal realm and lives in harmony with its disparate surrounding. It is another form of leadership and represents the silent peaceful majority.

Elephants for Peace will show your peace elphant in Catania during an international exhibition and from there it will
travel the world for you! For peace!